Birthdays & Laundry

At Alpine, Birthdays Are Special

We recognize each camper on his birthday and provide a cake for him to share with the boys at his table. Birthdays are also the one exception to the no package policy.

If you would like to send ONE birthday package to your son, please write BIRTHDAY PACKAGE in bold letters on the outside of the package along with the date of the birthday and mark “Hold for Birthday”! Please do NOT send food in Birthday Packages.

Since we have numerous birthdays each summer, we ask that you not use the telephone to wish your son Happy Birthday.


Laundry service is available once a week to all campers in First and Second terms. Please make sure that you mark all of your son’s clothes and personal belongings with his name. Do not forget to mark raincoats, tennis shoes, pillows, sheets, towels, etc. Please attach a list of contents to the inside of each piece of your son’s luggage. Alpine Camp does not accept responsibility for the campers’ personal belongings. Do not send nice clothes to camp. There is no laundry service in Junior Camp.