Bus Travel

Meeting the Bus in Birmingham, AL

Hank and Brecca Powers are our travel coordinators. They are current camp parents who reside in Birmingham, Alabama. They will be taking the lead on travel for us this year. Please be sure to contact Hank or Brecca regarding your son’s travel information. They will be able to help you find the appropriate flight for your son(s). Their contact information is below:

Hank Powers

(205) 552-9732

Brecca Powers

(205) 540-2088

On Opening and Closing Day, Hank and Brecca and an Alpine staff member will meet campers and their parents at the Birmingham Airport. Due to parking restrictions at the airport, Hank or Brecca will contact you prior to opening and closing day to let you know where to meet the bus. Whether your son is flying to/from or meeting the bus in Birmingham, please be sure to provide us with your cell phone number.

Alpine counselors will be wearing dark green Alpine Camp shirts and khaki shorts so that you can recognize them easily. Our staff will help parents load luggage on to the bus. Campers may board the bus upon arrival and a counselor will take care of them from that point forward. Campers are to stay seated on the bus whenever the bus is moving and are to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and follow the rules given to them by the Alpine staff member serving as Bus Captain.

The charge for the bus is $180.00 roundtrip or $90.00 one way. Please be sure to complete the Transportation Form with this selection in your son’s Forms & Documents.