Packing & Preparing
Packing for camp is so much fun! We receive many questions regarding packing and have tried to answer any packing questions below. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our office.
What Should I Pack for Camp?
The best place to start is by looking over our camp packing lists.
Trunks or Duffels?
Please pack your son’s belongings in a trunk or duffel bag. Luggage tags will be sent closer to the summer. Please attach tags to all large items. Send blankets, sheets, towels, pillow and sleeping bag in a duffel bag and send clothes in a trunk or duffel bag. Each boy will have wooden shelves (measurements approx 22.5”W x 11.25” H x 14.75” D) to arrange all his belongings and trunks will be safely stored underneath the cabins. All items must be contained. Do not have any loose items.
Please be mindful as you and your camper pack for camp that if you are shipping his luggage home, he will need to be able to easily repack all of his things in just the trunk or duffel he came with.
Can My Camper Bring a Hammock?
Campers who have completed grades 6 – 9 (Warrior, Brave, and Chief age groups) are allowed to bring hammocks to camp. Boys completing 1st - 5th grade (Hunter, Trapper, and Scout age groups) are not allowed to bring hammocks to camp. Hammocks are not allowed in Junior Camp for any age.
This policy is to ensure the safety of all campers. Our older boys enjoy the communal aspect of “hanging out” in the hammocks. It is our experience that younger boys use hammocks for unsafe horseplay.
Leave the Following at Home
As you’re packing everything your son will need at camp this summer, please leave the following items out.
Cell Phones
Campers may not bring a cell phone to camp. If a camper is found having a cell phone or using a cell phone (theirs or someone else’s) 24 hours after arrival, HE WILL BE SENT HOME.
Campers who are traveling to camp by bus or plane may travel with a cell phone or electronic device. Once they arrive at camp, all devices MUST be turned in to his counselor. The devices will be stored safely in the office and charged (if cables are provided) prior to departure from camp.
Campers are not allowed to have food in their cabins. This includes sunflower seeds, mints, candy, bubble gum and powdered drink mixes. These items invite unwanted critters into the cabins, create an unnecessarily competitive atmosphere among campers and create litter around camp.
We value recorded music at camp and use it regularly for special events and activities. However, our desire is to provide the most wholesome atmosphere possible for your son during his stay at Alpine. We want campers to enjoy the sights and sounds of Lookout Mountain, Little River, and live musical instruments away from the streaming music and images that dominate our culture. For this reason, we do not allow MP3 players, radios or any other electronic listening or playing devices at camp. This includes iPods, iPads, Game Boys, Kindles, tablets, smart watches, Fitbits, Gizmos, etc.
Campers are not allowed to bring firearms, knives or any other item that could be used as a weapon to camp.
Your son should not bring valuable items such as expensive cameras, watches or jewelry to camp. Personal pets or animals are not allowed at camp.
Cameras are not allowed at camp, including digital cameras, digital disposable cameras (i.e. CampSnap), or disposable film cameras.
Campers are not allowed to bring personal vehicles to camp.
For safety reasons, no campers are allowed to wear piercings to camp.
Aerosol Spray Cans
Aerosol spray cans are not allowed. In our experience these cans are used for horseplay and vandalism. For sunscreen or bug repellant please send alternative protection.
Can I Ship My Son’s Luggage?
If you are planning to ship your camper’s trunk or duffel bag to or from camp, we ask that you use Ship Camps to schedule a shipment online.
Ship Camps services are available for both one-way or round-trip shipping of camper luggage. Ship Camps allows you to print labels at home, and have your camper’s luggage picked up at your front door. Want to have your items shipped back home after the term? Ship Camps returns directly to Alpine at the end of the term to collect your camper’s items, and delivers it safely to you.
Had a change of plans short notice? That’s okay! Ship Camps opens for booking 60 days prior to shipment date, and Next Day services are also available.
We would appreciate your consideration of this service, as it makes our handling of trunks and duffels much more efficient before and after Camp terms. You can learn more about Ship Camps here. If you have any questions, please contact Monique and she will be happy to help!