It’s About the Boys
Alpine is a summer camp for boys located on a 350 acre Alabama paradise of deep forests, massive rocks, and rushing waterfalls.
It’s a new world to explore while getting dirty with a racing heart. Sheltered from normal pressures and expectations, boys can be themselves. Unplugged from modern technologies, they learn to get along, face-to-face. They play hard, with and against other boys their own age, in an environment created especially for them.
Preparation for the Future
“At Alpine, competition leads to not a dog-eat-dog mentality but a sled-dog willingness: The emphasis is on teamwork, and everyone pulls.”
Marvin Olasky | World Magazine
Boys learn by doing and form friendships working and playing. At camp, the camaraderie and encouragement of their fellow campers removes the fear of failing — boys are free to explore and try new things, uncovering new interests and undiscovered talents. The structure of camp allows for adventure, creativity, and excitement. From tribe competition to cabin overnight camping trips to nighttime spy games, boys are given opportunities to cooperate, follow, lead, and grow while watching their friends do the same. They’ll return home knowing more of themselves and how to respect others.

An all-boys camp allows boys to dive into unfamiliar settings and relationships without worrying about impressing (or failing to impress) the girls on a daily basis. To round out the summer, regular events are planned with nearby Camp DeSoto for Girls where the campers interact under supervision — like the square dance at DeSoto, one of the highlights of the summer.
Shortly after our 6 hour drive home from camp (during which our son proudly and excitedly told story after Alpine story), the family sat down at the dinner table and within 5 minutes Andrew had taught us a new dinner blessing, asked if everyone had been served before eating, and cut his own meat (who knew?!?).
Nothing can replace a boy’s family who surrounds him with love, affection, and careful guidance. Under the proper direction and supervision, however, a summer at camp will complement the training he receives at home more than anything else.