Adventure & Exploration
at Alpine Camp
Alpine Camp for Boys is a Christian summer camp for boys located in Mentone, Alabama, high atop Lookout Mountain. Since 1959, boys at Alpine have explored the massive rocks, rushing waterfalls, and deep woods surrounding the camp.
What your son will experience
During a summer at Alpine, a camper will make new friends, discover new interests, saddle a horse, climb a rock, build a campfire, and above all learn to “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.”

“Thank God for Alpine! John absolutely loved every minute of camp and thinks that his counselor, Tate, hung the moon. I loved the fact that his cabin mates came from all over! He had Meet-the-Teacher night at school several nights ago. He looked at the class list and realized that he didn’t have a single ‘buddy’ in his class this year. His response was, ‘I’ll make some new friends!’ That is Alpine’s influence!”
Katy | Parent
8mm Music Video
An exciting montage of scenes from Alpine’s long, rich history combined with vintage 8mm footage of the camp today provides a glimpse into the enduring traditions that define the camp.
Many factors determine a camp’s success but none are more important than staff — the young men chosen to serve as counselors and instructors for young campers. No camp is any better than its staff and Alpine hires the best.
When we interview potential counselors, we look for college age Christian young men who you, as a parent, would choose yourself. We want guys who know how to have fun and live out their faith. We want campers to remember this camp – where being a Christian is a part of everyday life – and say, ‘I had the time of my life!’