Alpine’s philosophy is simple: live what you believe. Each day at camp begins and ends with devotions in the Word. More importantly, however, each boy observes the Christian life lived out practically by his counselors and fellow campers — he sees what it “looks like” to be a Christian. That is to say, we believe that all humans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. It’s not an isolated mountaintop experience; it’s about loving someone by serving them and spending time with them.
Thank you so much for my second and best year at Alpine! Because of your influence on me last year, I was able to reach out and befriend the new people at camp, which was really fun.
Living faithfully with God and our fellow man is not always easy — it requires patience to bear with one another’s shortcomings. But the reward is great fun and lasting joy that only true Christian fellowship can bring. This experience is essential for a boy’s maturity in today’s world.

Regular Devotions
Counselors and their campers begin each day with a hymn and time of devotion during Morning Watch, encouraging campers to make time alone with God a daily habit. At the end of the day, counselors lead cabin devotions, with a brief Scripture reading and an opportunity to share experiences from the day and give thanks.
On Sunday morning, the whole camp turns out wearing white and tribal bandanas for an edifying and challenging worship service conducted by the camp minister. After a relaxing day appreciating the wonders of God’s world — intentionally planned to contrast with the busy days that precede and follow it — Sunday ends with an evening vesper service at one of our natural amphitheaters.
“Community is something that a Christian can’t go without and Alpine creates a blueprint for this to be carried into the real world.”
Sumner | Former Camper
Through structured periods of worship and the practical application of the teachings of Jesus Christ, a camper comes to know God better, gain a greater appreciation of the world around himself, and realize his special place in it.
Quality Counselors
Devotions are only the beginning of Alpine’s ministry, however. Each year, young men of intentional faith and sterling character are chosen to lead campers through the summer. These counselors live their ministry by demonstrating the daily application of their faith during activities and cabin life.
“The mission of the camp is the same as when I was a camper: a created environment where boys can be boys and see how God fits in to everything they do. This lesson is so important for my son at his age. He can hear it from my wife and me, but it is invaluable that it gets reinforced by his counselor, the head counselor, staff, and the entire camp.”
Stewart, Parent & Former Camper
Whether a camper is sitting in the Sunday worship service, rappelling down a rock face, losing a tennis match, or celebrating his tribe’s victory, his counselor will encourage him to regard his victories, defeats, joys, and struggles in the light of God’s love for him.