Camp Counselor
Counselor applications will be availiable in September. To ensure you are on the email list or if you have any questions, please email Thomas Gallagher,
Alpine aims to assemble a collection of talented, mature, and fun-loving Christian counselors. Many of our counselors return to pass on what they received as Alpine campers. Others are not only new to Alpine but new to summer camp entirely. Whatever their background, however, every counselor must share a commitment to Christ and a willingness, therefore, to sacrificially give of themselves for the good of their campers.
Camp counseling at Alpine is hard work, probably the most challenging job you can choose for your summer. AND, it will be the most fun and rewarding summer you can imagine. The Lord will grow you in ways you never thought possible while serving boys. And you’ll make lifelong friends along the way.
Work Crew
Work Crew Applications will be available in October. Please email Nate McLaughlin, if you have any questions.
Alpine’s Work Crew plays an invaluable role in camp life. Work Crew are responsible for setting up before meals, serving the food, cleaning up in preparation for the next meal, and performing tasks in other areas of camp. Serving on Work Crew is both challenging and rewarding. We are searching for young men who will make a positive contribution to our camp family and who are not afraid of hard work.
Although the work is demanding, there is plenty of time to enjoy all the blessings of camp life. Work Crew will be provided with a strong Christian experience and having the opportunity to grow spiritually through community. This group participates not only in Bible studies led by our Camp Minister and their Crew Chiefs but also in staff fellowship, a time when our counselors gather on Sunday evenings to sing, worship and hear a visiting minister.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to work at Alpine the past three summers. I have learned, I have been humbled, and I have been encouraged. Each summer I return thinking I have it all figured out and it turns out that there’s still more to learn. I appreciate your patience and understanding with me when I have messed up and your love and commitment to the staff in general.
Because Alpine is all boys, it allows our counselors to truly be themselves, not worrying about impressing female staff. This spills over to the campers and creates a genuinely fun atmosphere.
All of our staff stay the whole summer, and that’s on purpose. We become a band of brothers and true growth is experienced through this prolonged summer of service with fellow believers.
We know this service is hard.
As Directors and administrators, our goal is to come alongside you and provide encouragement and refreshment as you serve your campers. Fellowship/worship times at our house, visiting pastors to preach and encourage you, and a hired camp minister to hold Bible studies and individual meetings, are some of the ways we desire to keep you going as you give.

Working at Alpine
Alpine Camp for Boys was established in 1959 for the purpose of offering young boys a rewarding experience amidst the beauty of God’s creation, under the leadership of dedicated Christian men. The location itself was chosen because of its magnificent beauty. Situated on the crest of Lookout Mountain, massive rocks, a rushing waterfall, and rustic log buildings form the rugged setting which both challenges and inspires.
There are many things that determine the success of a summer camp program, but the most important factor is the camp leadership, the men chosen to serve as counselors and instructors for young campers. It is only after a personal interview, investigation of references, criminal background check, and careful, prayerful consideration that a man is selected to serve on our camp staff.
I know kids who have attended other summer camps for years and can’t even tell me their counselors’ names. I keep in touch with the majority of my counselors, however, and love to reminisce about the memories I made with them.
Camp counselors should consider their job as a chance to serve youth as well as an opportunity for personal development. Being responsible for the lives and character molding of young boys is a big deal. Parents are entrusting their most precious possessions with us. Most parents send their son to camp because they know the strong influence a good camp can have on his life. Alpine Camp accepts this trust and responsibility expecting the staff to do the same.
Alpine feels a very keen sense of responsibility for the spiritual growth of its campers.
We endeavor to provide a strong Christian atmosphere for our boys. In selecting staff members we look for a firm faith in Jesus Christ and a concern for the spiritual welfare of young boys. Our staff must set the best example possible. Youth is impressionable and the camp environment must be strong, clean, and wholesome. The boy in camp is under the direct influence of the camp and its staff twenty-four hours a day, amidst surroundings and under conditions which make him particularly susceptible to character.
As you can see, camp counseling is serious business. It is an inspirational and educational experience. If you think you might be further interested in summer employment at Alpine Camp for Boys, please review the rest of this section and submit an application.
Glenn & Carter Breazeale