Counselors live with a cabin of boys under the oversight of head counselors for each cabin area. In addition to overseeing his cabin, each counselor also leads or assists an activity. The cohesion and efficiency of our staff are increased by spending the entire summer together — all staff arrive early for training and remain through the end of the final session.

Staff Training
Staff arrive 9 days before their campers for an intensive training period. Training days are long — often 14 hours or more — and always begin with an in-depth bible study led by Bill Boyd, Director of the Oxford Lodge in Oxford, MS. Bill has been on staff at Alpine for over 20 years and has developed a rigorous curriculum to foster a distinctively Christian community at Alpine. Counselors are taught to view every area of their lives as opportunities to demonstrate the love of Christ and help their campers “unplug” from modern distractions.
The environment you create at Alpine truly allows boys to be who God intends them to be. To explore, to laugh, to create, to reflect their Creator in multiple ways. The counselors you select and train are a real blessing. These young men model what it is like to live out their faith while having a tremendous amount of fun and enthusiasm.
Counselors also sit under the instruction of several nationally renowned child experts. They emphasize effective communication with boys, equipping staff to resolve fights and discipline issues. One also teaches on preventing homesickness and bullying. Parents even come in to share their expectations along with veteran staff members who share experiences from summers past.
Alpine’s head nurse covers health and safety, emphasizing common pediatric conditions such as ADHD, asthma, and allergies as well as cleanliness, bedwetting, and administering medication. Each counselor also receives CPR and First Aid certification from the American Red Cross. Staff leading specialized activities arrive early to participate in high level clinics in their fields and to receive official certification.

Early Introductions
Finally, before each term, directors meet with each cabin counselor individually to go over each and every boy who will be in his cabin. He covers family background, connections to Alpine, past experiences at camp, pertinent medical information, and any other personal information passed on by parents — all of which is kept in strict confidence between directors, cabin counselors, and medical personnel (when applicable). Each counselor knows his boys when they arrive.
Thomas had an amazing time at Junior Camp. He has spent the past week telling lots of great stories from his time at Alpine. In particular, I wanted to compliment the counselors of the Ridge. They were all terrific and it was clear at pick up they had all taken time to get to know the boys in the Ridge.