Team Sports
Our large athletic field hosts games of flag football, soccer, and softball. All campers participate in Team Sports with their age group several times a week.

Elective Sports
Basketball, lacrosse, and disc sports are electives — enjoyed separately from the other team sports.
Basketball is taught in our open-air gym and competition grows fierce whenever the two tribes meet in one of these sports. Basketball periods begin with drills where experienced instructors drive home the basics followed by scrimmages where players put their skills to the test.

The Native Americans invented lacrosse a long time ago, but the sport has grown extremely popular in the last few years. Lacrosse is a highly competitive sport that builds endurance and stamina. Players move constantly as they attempt to maneuver the ball into the goal.

Disc sports consists of two activities — ultimate frisbee and frisbee golf. Ultimate frisbee is popular in camp and out, but if you’ve never played it before, Alpine is the perfect place to learn — even if you can’t throw a frisbee before you come to camp. Frisbee golf requires strategy and precision throwing, proceeding at a deliberate pace with plenty of time to hang out with friends over the course of a match. Alpine has two 18-hole courses spread over most of the camp property.