the Blog

from Alpine Camp

Spotlight . . . You're Out!

Tonight I’m sitting on my screened porch directly across from the Team Sports Field, listening to the sounds of Night Program.  Boys are cheering and ...

It begins

Thank you for dropping your sons off today for our 2015 First Term.  It is a joy to see them arrive and a privilege to have them with us at camp for t...

Junior Camp Closing Day Information

We want to thank each of you for entrusting your sons to our care.  We have had a fantastic term of camp with many great events and stories that you w...

Sundays at Alpine

Sundays at Alpine feel very different than the other 6 days.  Most any other day of the week if you ask a camper what day it is they will probably rep...

Trip Day Return

A post from Carter: Trip day is one of my favorite days in camp!  It is a chance for campers and counselors to take a break from their normal camp sch...

Trip Day

Today we enjoyed a full day of activities under sunny, cool skies.  A picture perfect early summer day on the Mountain.  An update from Fishing - I wa...

Gone Fishin'

How many of us can say we’ve caught a fish on a pole we made, Tom Sawyer style?  Tomorrow some of your boys will get that chance, the ones who are tak...

Even When It Rains We Play

“I have a conviction that a few weeks spent in a well-organized summer camp may be of more value educationally than a whole year of formal school work...