Monday Musings

It’s hard to believe we are entering our final full week of First Term. Activities throughout camp are preparing for final competition. The early rounds of the Alpine Open, our tennis tournament, have begun with some great competition. I believe the Alpine Masters teed off this afternoon, with rounds continuing all week. That’s Disc sports to be clear. It’s an 18 hole Par 3 course that meanders through camp, numbered signs on trees.

The Tour de Alpine is having a practice run of the bike route this rotation, before official timing begins. Shooting competitions will be happening at Riflery and Archery. Other activities will give out tribe points for various achievements this week. What I love is that for every competitive activity there are so many that tend towards more creativity or skill building. All are fun, but some like Earth Games and Minor Sports are just plain fun all the time. Although the end of session Petanque tournament in Minor Sports may be my favorite. It’s Bocce Ball but our guys prefer the elevated French version called Petanque, haha!

Each week at Sunday lunch Richard calls out the Tribe with the most points for that week. The winning tribe is rewarded with an extra scoop of ice cream. First Sunday the Mohawks claimed victory. This week the Cherokees emerged victorious. Many, many tribe points are left to be awarded before Final Banquet. We also emphasize that competition is important but only a small piece of what is happening in camp.

Today’s meals have been noteworthy. This morning Mrs. Gail loaded us up with scrambled eggs, hot grits, sausage, large, buttery biscuits, jelly and OJ. Lunch was one of my personal favorites, pot roast, steamed carrots, mashed potatoes, green salad, and banana pudding for dessert. I did have to catch a quick nap during rest hour after that meal. Tonight’s supper consisted of red beans and rice with sliced sausage. She also served buttered toast and a green salad. Apples and bananas are available on the buffet line at all meals.

It has been a hot one today! Though maybe not as hot as most cities with pavement and less trees. It’s always a bit cooler on the Mountain and we have been gifted a strong breeze most of the day. We are pushing hydration and lots of water breaks.

Many special events are upcoming this week. Tomorrow a group of Braves and Chiefs will go on a climbing trip to Sandrock Village all day. Wednesday is the day everyone looks forward to all term, Mountain Day! I’ll look forward to giving a full report afterwards.

Mostly this time in the term it’s the friendships that take center stage. The activities and events are back drops, vehicles for the relationships that have been formed at camp. Petty differences and arguments have mostly been resolved and boys have learned to live with one another (though with this many that’s part of the growing process and is always ongoing!). We will soak in this last week of camp for sure.

Thanks for reading and good night for now, Glenn